Saturday, January 24, 2015

2014 Was a Whirlwind and I am behind on the blog posts.

I just wanted to post a quick check in. 2014 was a whirlwind of a year. I started off by taking SmArt School with Dan Dos Santos. As an artist, there is no end to the learning. In order to grow as artists, as people we must learn and grow. We venture out into the unknown and practice is a constant. Sketching for an artist is something that looks much like an obsession. We carry sketchbooks and pencils everywhere, our eyes glaze over at shinny new pens or a bright new pad of paper. Artists may very well be some of the oddest people you will ever meet. They follow their soul and passion, rejecting the norm of society. We are the outsiders that speak with images, sculpture, dance or music.

I ran off on a bit of a tangent there.. forgive me. My mind does wander so. Back to 2014 review.

This summer I attended IMC (Illustration Master Class) in Amherst, Mass. with ridiculously talented and kind and supportive instructors, where I found faeries with Brian Froud. The week long workshop is a full immersion with about 90 fellow artists. We live on campus, sleep in dorm rooms, eat in the car, and spend hours in the art studio tweaking our work, watching live demos and listening to lectures from professionals that have successful careers in illustration. An experience I won't soon forget and will be repeating in 2015!

So with no further ado.. here are paintings from 2014.